Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Department of Plastic Surgery

(909) 558-4176

Procedure: Raise and reshape sagging breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning remaining tissue and nipples.

Length: one to three hours.

Anesthesia: Local with sedation, or general..

In/outpatient: Usually outpatient. Sometimes inpatient.

Side effects: Temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, numbness, dry breast skin; permanent scars.

Risks: Thick, wide scars; skin loss; infection; unevenly positioned nipples; permanent loss of feeling in nipples or breast.

Recovery: Back to work: one week or more. Strenuous activities: one month. Fading of scars: several months to a year.

Duration of results: Variable; gravity, pregnancy, aging, and weight changes may cause new sagging. Results may last longer or be enhanced when breast implants are inserted as part of the procedure.                            


Preoperative appearance Operative markings After resection of skin only
Closure of wounds Postoperative appearance  

Actual patient photographs available at time of consult.
