After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Loma Linda University School of Medicine’s Epsilon chapter of California hosted the Alpha Omega Alpha Annual Banquet in person. Thirty-two members of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine class of 2022, eleven faculty members and twenty-three residents and fellows were inducted into membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) honor medical society during the organization’s annual banquet, which was held Tuesday, March 15, at the Centennial Complex.
Election to Alpha Omega Alpha is an honor signifying a lasting commitment to professionalism, leadership, scholarship, research, and community service. A lifelong honor, membership in the society confers recognition for a physician’s dedication to the profession and art of healing. More than 4,000 students, residents/fellows, faculty, and alumni are elected each year into the Alpha Omega Alpha since its founding in 1902, and nearly 200,000 members have been elected to the society.
School of Medicine faculty physicians
Sigrid Burruss, MD
Kevin Codorniz, MD
Amy Schill Depew, MD (officially inducted as an alumni member)
Molly Estes, MD
Khiet Ngo, DO
Daniel Rogstad, MD, PhD
Karina Torralba, MD
Vincent Truong, MD
Leah Tudtud-Hans, MD
Jennifer Veltman, MD
Chad Vercio, MD
Class of 2022 students
Caroline Bebawy
Samuel Bolivar
Matthew Buell
Claudia Chan
Sang Hee Katie Choi
Victoria Cress
John Sebastian de Armas
Chloe Dominguez
Nicholas Eckert
Ashley Feldkamp
Andrew Folkerts
Kaitlyn Fung
Stephanie Han
Andy Hsueh
Joseph Huton
Bowon Joung
Mwape Kalambata
Paul Kim
Stephanie Kim
Alexandria Lee
Matthew Lopez
Gabriel Martin
Tyler Masden
Michelle McSkane
Ethan Miles
Bethany Palinka
Olivia Paradis
Peter Reim
Kari Roberts
Jackson Shampo
Andrew Vassantachart
Mary Beth Yu
Residents and Fellows
Alexia Barajas Terrones, MD (Peds)
Hans Boggs, MD (Surgery)
Brittany Chow, MD (Peds)
Benjamin Damazo, MD (ENT)
Jonathan Diamond, MD (Radiology)
Steven Frey, MD (FM)
Suzie Gasparian, MD (Ophtho)
Jackson Heilbronn, DO (IM)
G. Alden Holmes, MD(Derm)
Mark Hopkins, MD (EM)
Ann Lin, MD (Surgery)
Serena Lueong, MD (Peds)
Connor Martin, MD (PM&R)
Adeba Mohammad, DO (IM)
Michal Montana, MD(OB-GYN)
Brianna Moore, MD (Neurology)
William Morano, MD (Surgical Oncology)
Omar Ramos, MD(Ortho)
Geovany Siguenza, MD (Anesthesiology)
Gretchen Stumhofer, MD (EM)
Sophie Sun, MD (Med-Peds)
Robert West, MD (Prev Med)
Shammah Williams, Md (Interventional Cardiology)