The core facility provides educational training, technical service, and collaborative opportunities for investigators within and outside the LLU research community on a fee for service basis.  Investigators interested in using the facility and equipment must consult with the Core Research manager and Directors about available services for project needs related to specific samples, specimen preparation, and fees. Imaging and analyses can be performed by investigators or by core staff.

  1. Users are required to submit appropriately signed forms and a project description. Full disclosure of needs and available funding resources are important for use of the core facility.  Cost sharing and contributions of collaborators will be discussed with relevant cost-center administration, Vice Chairs and Chairs of Divisions, as well as the Associate Dean for the Basic Sciences. Use fees are based upon operating costs of the core facility.  Fee considerations will be made for Directors and some Users that contribute to facility operations or the expansion of core facility capabilities.
  2. Core personnel maintain and manage use of microscopes and analysis workstations, as well as train Users in theoretical, practical, and policy components of equipment operations.
  3. Damage or inappropriate use of the microscopes may be subject to fine/discipline. Expenses and repairs may be recharged for time and material costs related to immersion oil left on objectives, leaving arc lamps/laser systems on overnight, as well as for damage to objectives or accidents such as flooding from in-vivo/live preparations. Remediation may require additional training, supervision, or reconsideration of privileges.
  4. Scheduling of core facilities use is through an online system.  In general, more than 4 h of imaging time on any one day will require prior arrangements with facility staff. In consideration of all Users, changes in reservations must occur 24h prior to booking time since billing is based on scheduled reservations, whether or not facilities are used. Please notify facility staff about late arrival for appointment time - delayed start of work beyond 15 min may necessitate rescheduling. Scheduling may depend upon priority of various Users and needs. For example, deadlines for research projects take precedence over teaching or demonstration projects. In addition, live tissue studies receive priority relative to projects that involve fixed tissues. Advanced users are encouraged to perform imaging during off-peak times to provide access for users who require additional assistance.
  5. After hours use requires additional training, appropriate clearance, and must be arranged in advance with facility personnel. The checkout key for afterhours must be turned in the next day. 
  6. The facility users will be responsible for leaving all work areas and systems clean and in the same condition as found. Users will notify facility staff about any and all equipment problems.
  7. Development of methodologies for highly challenging projects may require a collaborative agreement with appropriate LLUSM AIM Directors or related personnel. Such collaborative efforts will be acknowledged with co-authorship on reports/manuscripts.
  8. All reports and publications from projects originating in the facility will properly acknowledge all grant and School of Medicine support*. Please incorporate the following statement into posters and publications.

    For abstracts, posters, and publication:

    Imaging was performed in the LLUSM Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Core with support of NSF Grant MRI-DBI 0923559 and  the Loma Linda University School of Medicine

    * In addition and when appropriate, we hope that each Investigator will be generous to give credit either as an acknowledgment or authorship for  collaborative assistance by faculty and personnel associated with AIM.

  9. Users are required to provide facility staff with copies of reports, abstracts, and manuscripts from use of the core. Failure to make proper acknowledgements in manuscripts, or to submit usage reports, can result in loss of use privileges.