Department of Plastic Surgery

(909) 558-8085

To students requesting senior elective rotations:

If you are interested in doing a two-week or four-week 4th-year medical student elective rotation, please contact Kalar Ojeda, the clerkship coordinator for the Department of Surgery, at (909) 558-4982 or by email at Ms. Ojeda will assist you in applying for your elective rotation. 

If you would like to learn more about the Loma Linda University Department of Plastic Surgery residency-training program, please click the training link on the left.

If you are interested in applying to our program, we participate in the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS). If you have any questions, you can contact me via email at

Thank you for your interest in our residency-training program. 

Sincerely yours,

Judith Rosaasen
Program Coordinator