"Anatomy" has long been termed the foundation of medicine, and is basic to the education of health professionals. There is a continuing need for well educated physicians, dentists, nurses and allied health professionals many of whom need a thorough understanding of the structure of the human body. This is best learned in the anatomy laboratory where they have the opportunity to dissect the body, studying its components and their relationships to each other. They learn the positions and names of blood vessels and nerves, and discover how the latter control the muscles and convey sensations to the central nervous system. In this way they become better able, in the course of their later training, to make diagnoses, to follow the progress of disease, to perform surgery, to set fractured bones and care for injuries. The availability of human bodies for such study is essential. The graduate physician must continue to have access to human bodies. It is in the anatomy laboratory that the surgeon determines the feasibility of a new surgical procedure. In this way procedures are refined before they are actually tried on patients.
In recognition of the need for human bodies in the education of health professionals and for research most states have enacted laws that permit an individual to will their body and/or organs to state approved educational institutions and other organizations that harvest organs for transplant. Those wishing to take advantage of this provision should contact the organization of their choice to register their will. It is not enough to simply mark the driver's license!

Frequently Asked Question
For more information:
Bodies for Science Program
Division of Human Anatomy
Loma Linda University
24760 Stewart Street
Loma Linda, CA 92350
Telephone: 909-558-4301
Fax: 909-558-0155
Email: bodiesforscience@llu.edu