Family Medicine Overview

A family physician is concerned with the total health care of the individual and the family and is trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of ailments in patients of all ages. The family physician is trained to care for children as well as adults, including the unique needs of women and the elderly, preventive medicine, and behavioral science. Special emphasis is placed on the primary care of families, utilizing consultants, and community resources when appropriate.1

1 The American Board of Medical Specialties. Guide to Physician Specialties. Evanston, IL: American Board of Medical Specialties; February 2008.

Family Medicine Faculty Advisors

Dr. Sara Halverson
Dr. Jordan Kattenhorn
Dr. Daniel Reichert
Dr. Ihuoma Chukwueke
Dr. Anthony Ibrahim

Family Medicine Interest Group 2024-2025

President: Moriah Maddalena
Vice President: Nathan Kim
Secretary:Celeste Richardson
Treasurer: Luke Wandersleben
Social VP:  Chase Czaykowsky
Community Service VP: Ogechi Nwankwo
Public Relations Chair: Rachel Borbath
AAFP Ambassador:  Preston Kim
MS4 Rep: Vivien Lee Posner
MS3 Rep: Zackary (Forrest) Sheperd
MS2 Rep: Holly Christine Anuciacion

Family Medicine Coordinator: Nancy Baez